DESulphur – A disruptive solution

DESulphur – A disruptive solution
TecnoVeritas has recently developed a Desulphurisation technique that can overcome some of the limitations of classical processes consisting of an effective and cleaner way to remove sulphur compounds from fuels.
DESulphur is a new and innovative Desulphurisation Process developed by TecnoVeritas that can be applied to installations (at shore and at sea) that require the use of Fuel Oil, Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), Marine Gas Oil or Marine Diesel Oil.
Due to the restrictive regulation on Sulphur content imposed recently to Maritime Transportation (especially in the ECA areas), to the lack of fuel with low Sulphur in the market (which prices increased) and to the need of restricting the SOx emissions caused by the oxidation of sulphur in fuel (also verified in shore industries), it was urgent to find a solution to this problem.
Written by
Eng. Pedro Alua
Chemical Engineer
TecnoVeritas, Av. Dr Francisco Sa Carneiro, NEM – Pav. 36-A, 2640-486 Mafra, Portugal.