Project Description: GreenH2Ice – Research and development of an integrated renewable production station high efficiency hydrogen fuel for vehicles
Project Code: LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-038465
Main Goal:The GREEN H2ICE project aims to research and develop an integrated, high-efficiency, renewable hydrogen production station for vehicle supply, in particular by designing a new and disruptive electrolyzer and a new process for converting internal combustion engines to operate hydrogen.
Intervention Region: Lisbon
Beneficiary Entity: TecnoVeritas – Services of Engineering and Systems Technology, Ltd.
Approval Date: 21-08-2018
Start Date: 01-03-2018
Conclusion Date: 31-08-2021
Total Eligible cost : 696 759, 35€
Main outputs and Results
Specifically, this project addresses several electrolysis constraints by focusing on materials used in electrolytes, production costs and material durability, with the following technological advances:
- Develop a new process for the production of hydrogen using electrolysis based on PEM philosophy which substantially increases the efficiency of the process and also the quantities produced;
- Design and construct a proof of concept of a new electrolyzer with the PEM philosophy, with significant improvement of the performance of the equipment;
- Achieve a pioneer integration and combination of technologies for hydrogen production, storage and dispensing in a safe, environmentally friendly and economic way. A technical and functional validation of the results obtained in a laboratory / semi-industrial test scenario will be carried out;
- Generate new scientific knowledge resulting in a state of the art technology to convert internal combustion engines to run on low-purity hydrogen;
- Generate new scientific knowledge regarding the monitoring and management of the hydrogen production, storage and distribution process.

Project Description: Design an unmanned ocean patrol vessel (UOPV) that distinguishes itself from others.
Project Code : FA_04_2017_006 – UOPV – Unmanned Oceanic Patrol Vessel
Main Goal: This project aims to develop the prototype of an innovative multipurpose unmanned surface vessel (USV) within the scope of maritime security. The goal is to design an unmanned oceanic patrol vessel (UOPV) that distinguish from others due to its large payload, greater endurance and the capacity to change its equipment onboard according to the assigned mission.
Intervention Region: Lisbon
Beneficiary Entity: TECNOVERITAS – Serviços de Engenharia e Sistemas Tecnológicos, Lda
Approval Date: 22-03-2019
Start Date: 01-04-2019
Conclusion Date: 31-03-2021
Total Eligible cost : 199.234,00€ (One hundred and ninety-nine thousand, two hundred and thirty-four euros)
- Develop an unmanned surface vessel, with a view to the subsequent manufacture of a fleet of unmanned surface patrol vessels, to patrol the extensive Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Portugal;
- Develop the technologies associated to remote control and artificial intelligence required by the autonomous operation of the vessel.
Main outputs and Results
The main outcome of the project is the advancement in the state of the art in maritime safety, and a step forward in Portugal’s territory surveillance capability. The following outputs have been identified:
- A new concept of green vehicle using hydrofoil technology with considerable pay load, therefore making it useful for special activities;
- A new marketable multi-purposed unmanned surface vessel that will fulfil the needs of several entities with oceanic activities. A device especially relevant for monitoring, patrolling, data collection among many other applications;
- An experimental proof of concept of the hydrofoil system as propulsion system.

Project Description: Strengthening the Internationalisation of TecnoVeritas and their own solutions, of total technological basis.
Project Code: LISBOA-02-0752-FEDER-024613
Main Goal: With this internationalisation plan, TecnoVeritas intends to reduce its dependence on the domestic market at the level of services provided and diversify the sales of its products for new international markets (Norway, Denmark, Singapore, Greece, Netherlands, Germany and China).
Intervention Region: Lisbon
Approval date: 04-04-2017
Start Date: 01-11-2016
Conclusion Date: 31-10-2019
Total eligible cost: €218,225.00 (two hundred and eighteen thousand, two hundred and twenty-five euros)
FEDER – 87.290,00€ (eighty-seven thousand, two hundred and ninety euros)
Goals, activities and expected/ achieved results:
- Total Turnover – achieve a turnover of 1,3 million euros by the end of 2019;
- International Turnover – represent, at least 546 thousand euros in 2019, that is, a weight of 42% of international turnover;
- International Markets Diversity – get international sales accumulated until 2019, in all 10 international investment target markets by TecnoVeritas: Norway, Denmark, Singapore, Greece, Netherlands, Germany, China, Spain, United Kingdom and USA;
- Raise of the Products Sales Turnover – selling own products VEEO, Optipower, BOEM-S, EDS and Enermulsion to the target international markets, in a way it represents 37% of the total turnover of the company in 2019;
- International Commercial Team – constitute an International Commercial Department in the external target markets;
- R&D – continue the internal R&D activity, in a way to develop new products and improve the existing ones;
- EBITDA/Turnover – achieve a ratio of 32% at the end of 2019.
Project 25.520
QREN – Incentive Scheme Qualification And Internationalization Of SMES
Start Date: 1st January 2012
End Date: 31st December 2014
Goals: Enhancing business strategy already developed in the previous project in order to continue promoting the international work, also in new markets: Denmark, Indonesia, South Korea, Brazil, Emirates and Norway.
Project 12.753
QREN – Incentive Scheme Qualification and Internationalization of SMES
Start Date: 1st January 2010
End Date: 31st December 2012
Goals: The business strategy followed by TecnoVeritas in recent years has been to provide services and develop new solutions to reduce the cost of energy and environmental sustainability. Since the Portuguese market hasn’t had enough industries to absorb our products, Tecnoveritas commitment his internationalization. In this sense, we intend to focus efforts on two specific markets: the European Union, especially in the case of Greece where there is a vast market of maritime activity and Southeast Asia where there has been a huge growth of industry in the last years. In the last years, we assist to an increase of restrictions to emission pollutants resulting in a great interest in our products. To accomplish with this objective, Tecnoveritas needs a strong commercial structure focused on internationalization to promote his products in the international market.