Ship Emissions and Energy and the new IMO regulations


With the fast increase in oil price, the fuel costs now account for up to 50% of a ship operating costs in some sectors and trades. Simultaneously shipping industry is becoming under pressure to reduce GHG (Green House Gases) emissions like CO2, is already underway a number of mechanisms such as MBI's (Market Based Instruments) based on Emission Trading Schemes and a carbon tax system, and the IMO MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee) MEPC.1/Circ.684 from 17 August 2009. This work addresses the latest regulations but also introduces the tools ship owners need to implement energy and emissions reduction plans. The paper also presents and analyses real ship energy and emissions data, gathered by VEEO (Voyage Energy and Emissions Optimiser), an author-developed ship performance monitoring systems installed on board container vessels.

Keywords: ship operating costs; emissions; IMO; monitoring systems; container vessels.

Written by

J.M. Gomes Antunes
TecnoVeritas, Av. Dr Francisco Sa Carneiro, NEM – Pav. 36-A, 2640-486 Mafra, Portugal.
Sir Joseph Swan Institute for Energy Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, England, UK.

A.P. Roskilly
Sir Joseph Swan Institute for Energy Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU,
England, UK.

2011 | 7 pages




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