Data Collection System was established for fuel oil consumption as part of a roadmap for developing a comprehensive IMO strategy for reduction of GHG emissions from ships.
In order to reduce GHG emissions from the shipping, IMO MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee) 68 adopted amendments to MARPOL Annex VI.
These amendments consist of a three-step approach:
- The collection and reporting of fuel oil consumption data for each type of fuel used on board (the stage to be implemented in 2019).
- Analysis of the fuel oil consumption data used on board that was collected on the previous step.
- Decision-making on further measures regarding the data and the analysis made on the previous steps.
The deadlines for this new regulation are as follows:

TecnoVeritas will disclose the services related to IMO – DCS as soon as possible. Meanwhile, if you have more questions see the DCS FAQ’s or contact us.
The regulation is applied to all ships of 5,000 GT and above engaged on international voyages. Nevertheless, there are exemptions:
- Ships engaged on domestic voyages;
- Ships not propelled by mechanical means and Platforms, including FPSOs, FSUs and drilling rigs.
Owners and operators must consider:
- Develop and assess a SEEMP for each ship;
- Collect data (annual reports on fuel oil consumption data, hours underway and distance travelled) during the reporting period and submit to the Administration or any organization duly authorized by it;
- Keep on board the Statement of Compliance proving the compliance with IMO-DCS.