BOEM-S was chosen as finalist for the Product Innovation COTEC 2018 Prize
On 11 May, TecnoVeritas received the very pleasing news that BOEM-S (Blue Overall Energy Monitoring System) passed to the finalist phase for the “Produto Inovação COTEC 2018” prize. It was a big accomplishment for the company as there has been a continuous development on the BOEM-S, an innovator product which allies Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Automation, some of the buzzwords for the Industry 4.0.
BOEM-S was created initially for the naval industry, in order to treat Big Data produced by ships and to quickly get this relevant data to shore and take decisions and measures, in good time, optimizing the energy efficiency of the vessel.
In addition, ship owners and operators start to get a greater capacity to respond faster, the BOEM-S has the skills to learn from the data obtained on board or at industrial plants, as it is gifted of artificial intelligence, working based on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) developed for each client.
This Cloud-based platform, accessible on any device with internet connection, is an all-in-one tool, having several fundamental modules for an efficient management, from which are highlighted the Technical Module, Maintenance Module and the Documents Module. BOEM-S has become the perfect solution for those who want to manage efficiently their installations, having access to full information, from equipment manuals and certificates to the programming and addition of maintenance actions.
Currently, BOEM-S is implemented on several naval platforms – as it is Rebonave -, on industrial plants, and even on municipal buildings – specifically the Municipality of Mafra, in which the management of the water and energy consumption will also be made, in schools and public buildings of the Municipality. In this last one, it’s possible to monitor air-conditioners, lighting and electrical systems consumption, and their optimization for comfort and in order to achieve optimum conditions for those who work on these buildings.
Now we must wait for the results of the “Product Innovation COTEC 2018” which will be released on the 22nd May, during the 15th National Meeting of Innovation COTEC.