Galp Setúbal
Shipowner: Sacor Marítima – Gasmar
DWT: 29,997 T
LPP: 165.85 m
Class: DNV
Mpp power (MAN B&W-MITSUI): 6,697 BHP
Tip: 9.97 m
In service: South America
Sold, it changed its name to Setúbal in 2007.
Among the various works carried out onboard the “Galp Setúbal”, a system for monitoring the efforts on the ship’s hull was designed and implemented. This system was innovative, as it made it possible to calculate the shearing force and the respective bending moment of the ship beam in real-time. Such a system was implemented in order to prevent new structural damage to the ship from occurring again and before there were rules for the design of such systems.
Later, the automation monitoring system of the cargo system was implemented, interacting with the cargo turbo-pumps and with the pressure inside the cargo tanks, which was monitored in real-time.
Finally, a system for monitoring the voyage, consumption and other performance indicators of the ship’s operation was implemented, finally the first black box on a national VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) ship.