In June of 2022 TecnoVeritas got the Type Approval Certificate by Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore with our product BOEM.

In October of 2013 we won an honorable mention with our product ENERMULSION.
The Green Project Awards is an international project, with editions in Portugal and Brazil.

TecnoVeritas is recognized by the DGEG as an entity with technical skills to carry out Energy Audits for companies or any energy-intensive installation, in particular within the SGCIE, Transport and Decree-Law 68-A / 2015.

TecnoVeritas is an “External Specialist in Condition Monitoring” recognized by ABS (American Bureau of Shipping).

TecnoVeritas have a quality management system within the ISO 9001:2015 standard since 2004.

VEEO was certified by ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) with a Design Assessment Certificate in 2011.

TecnoVeritas is accredited by IPAC as an independent verifier for MRV, according to ISO 14065 replaced by ISO 17029:2021.

TecnoVeritas has a specialised laboratory for testing fuel and oils, the LabTecno. It is accredited by IPAC, the Portuguese Accreditation Institute, as a Testing Laboratory, in accordance with the NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

TecnoVeritas has been assessed and recognized as Business Partner 2022 for marketing, business development and system integration partner of MES1001 and MES1001 MARPOL emission sensors in the European Market by Danfoss IXA A/S.

TecnoVeritas has renewed its recognition of scientific and technological suitability by ANI – Portuguese National Innovation Agency.
In February 2025, TecnoVeritas became a Platinum Member of CLIA – Cruise Lines International Association. CLIA’s mission is to support policies and strategies that ensure responsible cruise operations and contribute to the sustainable development of maritime tourism.